Answers for Elders

Answers for Elders is the North Star that seniors and their families turn to when navigating senior care, and the bridge that prepares them for their aging years ahead.

Answers for Elders educates and supports seniors, caregivers, and their families through transformative, nationally syndicated radio and professional podcast content on a common path of dignity, inspiration, confidence, and hope while navigating the path of eldercare. We:

Educate and empower families in their decision-making through vetted qualified experts

Prepare families and seniors to be proactive for the road ahead

Support our community through outreach. We honor its diversity, nonprofit organizations, and family members

Believe that our platform and expertise should make a positive impact upon the world and the community we serve

Our highest value is that no senior, caregiver, or family member should feel lost or stressed over the life changing decisions that need to be made in navigating senior care.