The very first thing you need to do is fill out the MY INFO section of the App. This will enable you to create your first Assessment.
How to Get Going in
What You Need to Know
An Assessment is a room by room review of the home. When you create an assessment, you are essentially reporting on conditions and considerations for each room. Every room has a series of checklist questions that you can answer YES or NO to. In addition, you can add a photo of the room as well as notes. All of these items will be contained in the assessment which can be printed or emailed.
Certainly! You can either email the Assessment (which is a produced PDF) and print it locally or print via a wireless printer from the App. Please note that all wireless printers and configurations are different, so if your wireless printer does not work, please simply email the Assessment to yourself and print it locally.
The App allows you to add a room. We have considered the bathroom and the bedroom to be the most duplicated rooms. Tap on ADD A ROOM. You will be asked to name it. Once you have named it and saved the room, scroll down to the bottom of your rooms and you will see the named room in your list.
No. You can fill out one room for an assessment report or all! You can also edit the report at any time.
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